FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH: Free Acoustic Performance In Georgia Announced

July 31, 2008

Los Angeles metal band FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH will take part in a free acoustic performance on Tuesday, August 12 at the Best Buy South Lake in Morrow, Georgia beginning at 1:00 p.m. The first 100 fans to show up will get a FREE TICKET to the Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival at the Lakewood Amphitheatre that same day, according to a posting on the group's MySpace page.

Illinois-Missouri Entertainment conducted an interview with FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH at a recent stop on the band's Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival tour with SLIPKNOT and DISTURBED. Watch the four-minute chat below.

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH recently released a brand new song called "Never Enough" as a free download to fans who have already bought or are now buying the band's debut album, "The Way of the Fist". The track, which is also the band's new single, was written and recorded during some down time while singer Ivan Moody was recovering from a throat problem. He told The Pulse of Radio that some of the anxiety he was feeling at the time made its way into the song. "When I was laying on my back, I was getting emails from fans for one, actually mad at me for having my throat go out," he said. "And not to mention, you know, once we did start working in the studio, it just started coming to me that, here we are, you know, shuffling this material back and forth, and the label of course always has their fingers in just got to a point where I was like, you know, when does it become enough? When can I just not give away any more of my soul and it's acceptable?"

"The Way of the Fist" was re-released on May 3 with "Never Enough" and two additional new tracks included.

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